Houston-Area Youth Engage in Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling Competition

As part of its Be Nice To Your Device campaign, the Electrochemical Safety Research Institute (ESRI) partnered with Tech Fest Live, a Houston-based nonprofit organization that connects youth with educational technology opportunities, to host a lithium-ion battery recycling competition at six Houston-area summer camps from June 18 to July 25. Students collected lithium-ion batteries and devices, gaining hands-on experience in safe recycling.

Tech Fest Live surveyed 190 of the competition participants, seeking their feedback and key learnings from the experience.

  • More than 80% of the students indicated they plan to safely recycle their lithium-ion battery or device next time they have one ready for disposal.
  • More than 77% learned something new about lithium-ion batteries from our Be Nice To Your Device engagement at their summer camp.
  • More than 76% said they would likely tell their friends and family about safe lithium-ion battery recycling.

ESRI will use the collected batteries for research purposes related to its battery recycling technology project for the U.S. Department of Energy.

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