Be Nice To Your Device Team Shares Battery Recycling Message at Earth Day Festival in Houston

Commemorating Earth Day, the Electrochemical Safety Research Institute (ESRI) team participated in downtown Houston’s Discovery Green Earth Day festival to promote the Be Nice To Your Device campaign, raising awareness about safe lithium-ion battery recycling on April 20, 2024.

Hundreds of visitors, including children and adults, tested their battery knowledge at the ESRI booth through a sorting game in which they had to look at various devices and batteries and determine which ones were lithium-ion. Many visitors correctly identified lithium-ion batteries in cell phones but were unaware that devices such as power drills, smartwatches, and game controllers can also contain them. Visitors received campaign giveaways and resources, including postcards, stickers, and magnets, to encourage safe and easy recycling of lithium-ion batteries.

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